Acute Discharge

Project Purpose

  • Review current state process for discharge of patients from ACUTE
  • Identify areas for change (corrections & improvements) with aim to optimize process for patients and clinicians (physicians, pharmacy & nursing etc)
  • Provide documentation and guide resolution of acute-based issues related to the discharge-from-hospital process. (physician, pharmacy, nursing etc)

Project Purpose

  • Review current state process for discharge of patients from ACUTE
  • Identify areas for change (corrections & improvements) with aim to optimize process for patients and clinicians (physicians, pharmacy & nursing etc)
  • Provide documentation and guide resolution of acute-based issues related to the discharge-from-hospital process. (physician, pharmacy, nursing etc)
Discussions: All (4) Open (4)
  • Update June 7

    over 2 years ago

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    Meetings changed to Wednesday's for better attendance throughout the summer.

    Agenda and Minutes up to date, please review power point from last meeting under "Project Documents" 

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  • Update - March 4, 2022

    almost 3 years ago

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    This week we have focused on making changes to the discharge plan, following up on some of the education pieces, continuing to improve the Discharge Prescription, and following up with local subject matter experts and committees. 

    • Discharge Plan
    1. Discharge Order has been moved to the top of Discharge Plan
    2. Barriers have been removed - Barriers will still be available in the Discharge Summary document for physicians to review prior to discharge
    3. Further follow up by Sarah to be done with Medical Rehab to ensure the workflows there are not impacted

    4. The Comment field on the Discharge Order now allows multiple lines of text

    • Nursing Documentation: Meeting completed, 1Health assisted in organizing a review and optimization of the documentation. We will continue to work with committees and SME’s to move towards implementing the changes needed to streamline documentation. 
    • Prescription Report Updates
      1. Allergies will be added to the Prescription report
      2. The request to include height/weight will be discussed on the next call
      3. Tapering of medications has been tested
    • Committee follow up: Dr. Von Weigen and Sarah to attend CHAC next week to discuss Medevac – Admission process at YHC 
    • Problem List
      1. Previously identified that there is inconsistent use of the problem list. 
      2. Education link provided with Expanse Problem List Education Series:
      3. To login, use the Username: HSS-STAFF Password: MEDITECH
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  • Update - Feb 18, 2022

    almost 3 years ago

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    This week we have focused on changes to the discharge prescription, solidifying the process for ambulatory orders at discharge, and following up with our MEDITECH partners around potential changes to functionality. 

    • AMB Order workflow update 
      1. The YHC Lab department has approved the workflow where lab orders placed in the ambulatory section of the discharge plan print in the Outpatient Laboratory. The AAs file them, and they are made available when the patient presents for collection. 
      2. For imaging, whenever discharge medical imaging orders are placed, the imaging department receives a printout AND the orders also go to the hold queue electronically so appointments can be booked by the schedulers.
      3. We can confirm these workflows are indeed working as expected, and outpatient tests ordered at discharge are being completed by the appropriate service areas. 
    • Forward advantage/ePrescribing: Controlled substance currently defaults to Rx Now. MEDITECH is looking in to see if this can be changed.
    • Print home meds and Prescriptions to pharmacy: These will have to be 2 reports to send to the patient pharmacy; waiting to see workflows from another site, potential to turn off Rx now.
    • Meeting set up to go over Nursing side of discharge next Tuesday
    • Discharge prescription update: pharmacy instructions added (see below)


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  • Acute Discharge: Discussion forum

    by Jennifer Potvin, about 3 years ago

    Hi all, 

    We are looking to move to biweekly meetings, with updates coming to you every Friday still. Our action item list is growing - which is an indicator of great discussion and feedback. We'd like to be able to move a lot of these items along, and a q2week meeting would help us facilitate that. Let me know your thoughts on that tomorrow.


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Page last updated: 08 Jun 2022, 11:47 AM